Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

For Halloween, Brandon and I went as Drew Barrymore and Ghostface from Scream. I used paints, and two different kinds of fake blood to get my sweater all "stabby". On Saturday, we went to my work's party and a coworker's party and my fake blood stayed put. Yay. Anyway... Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Courtney's Makeover!

Our friend Courtney came to visit and while I think she is completely adorable just the way she is, I wanted to see her all dolled up. So I did her hair and Amanda did her makeup. :)

Here's the before and afters:

*The before picture is just a random one from her facebook. I forgot to take some while we were making her over.. but whatever. :P

Friday, October 21, 2011

Special FX Makeup!

Here are some photos of the special effects makeup looks I have done. Mostly just for fun and practice. Amanda (a friend of ours) wanted to look like zombie and our friend Amber wanted a really gross wound to scare her friend.


"Zombie Amanda"

Amber's arm

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Photo of the Day

Crackle toes!

White Sally Henson nail polish with Black Crackle on top. I got the crackle from Sally Beauty Supply and the white from Wal-Mart.