I'm naturally very fair skinned. But I do love to look tan. I have done it all.. from tanning beds, to self tanning lotions, to spray tans, to laying out in the sun. I know that tanning beds and laying out is not good for you. I know the dangers of skin cancer, aging, dark/sun spots, freckling, etc. But I don't pass judgement on anyone for tanning, because I tan and I know I hate being judged for it. To each their own, ya know?
With self tanning lotions, most just made me orange.. and the only one that didn't was a Jergens tanning lotion. BUT everytime I showered, or shaved my legs, I felt like it all went away. Plus it made my face splotchy and that... is a definite deal breaker.
With spray tans, I have done the at home ones (they work okay, but don't last very long) and I have gone to UltraTan (my local tanning salon) and gotten the Mystic HD tan. If I just do the Glow or Light level, I get a nice sunkissed look. Anything darker than that (medium or dark levels) and I look like a bronze statue. Ew. But the color will last for about a week. When it starts coming off though, you better scrub, scrub, scrub and get it all off or you will look like you have a patchwork tan. TIP: Don't wear white clothing or underwear when you go spray tan. It WILL get on your clothes. My advice, wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty and that are loose fitting, and wear sandals!
Laying out is so relaxing to me. And you can see some gradual results, very gradual in my case and it takes me a while to get dark. After I applied SPF, I would lay out for about 30 minutes (15 on back, 15 on stomach) then apply some tanning oil or lotion with bronzer and lay out for another 20 to 30 minutes. I feel that works best for me. If I start out with bronzer and oils, it all comes off super quick anyway. That's just me though... Also, something that works REALLY awesome if you laying out... being in a pool will help you tan faster. Even if it's just a kiddie pool that you are laying in. The rays reflect off the water and so you're getting double the exposure. If you don't want to lay in a kiddie pool, and don't have access to a regular pool... get a spray bottle, fill it with water and mist yourself while you lay out. Not only will get faster results, but that cool mist of water feels awesome when you're out in the hot sun. *Fun fact: Did you know you can burn or tan easier when it is overcast?
Last but not least.... Tanning beds!
I absolutely LOVE tanning beds. Yes, I'm aware of the fact that they can be harmful to your skin (cancer risks, aging, etc) BUT.. this is something that I enjoy doing. I love the lotions, the fast results, and the different kinds of beds you can use. I tan at UltraTan and it's just awesome. I used to tan at a salon that had only one kind of bed and one flat fee for the month, but they went out of business :( It sucks.. I got my first and best tan ever from that place. But I do love UltraTan, especially since they have so many different beds. My favorites are the stand-ups and ones with additional tanners (Shoulders, sides, facial). I like using lotions with bronzer, but not tingle. Holy crap.. tingle hurts. BAD. And you can't use it on your face so you'd probably have an uneven tan. I'm not big on hemp lotions, I don't really see results with them, but they smell really good usually. Bronzers give you a bit of a glow after tanning, and an instant sunkissed look. I've used a body blush lotion too and it was really good, worked beautifully, but they no longer sell it there and I can't find online either. Sadness. My tips for tanning in tanning beds are: (1) DO NOT WEAR MAKEUP on your face/neck. Your face is harder to tan without makeup, don't make it worse by wearing a full face to the tanning bed. I've gone straight from work multiple times and had makeup on, so I carry some makeup remover wipes in my bag and just take it off when I'm putting on my lotion. Some eye make is fine because the goggles you wear cover your eyes anyway. Which brings me to the next tip... (2) WEAR THE GOGGLES. These are here to protect your eyes and your vision, so do it. Yes you might get those little tan lines around your eyes, BUT if you enjoy being able to see, wear them. (3) TAN EXTENDERS ARE AMAZING. Use a tan extender on a daily basis, and you won't have to go tanning as often. (4)ALOE, ALOE, ALOE!! Aloe Vera is so, so good for your skin. I use aloe vera gel on my face, neck, chest, and shoulders (my peel prone areas) every day and night when I first start tanning. It keeps me from having redness, heals sunburn, and I don't peel. I just tan. After I get my base tan, I only put it on my face and neck, before bed and before makeup the next day and it keeps my skin soft and my skin stays pretty clear of blemishes. Which my skin is always clearer when I go to tanning beds anyway, but the aloe just makes it pretty damn near perfect.
These are just my own personal opinions; what works for me, may not work for you. The sun and tanning bed's UV Rays can be harmful and damaging to your skin. You do whatever you want, this is just what I do. :)
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